Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Upcoming changes in Patch 3.3.3

So the latest patch notes are out and Patch 3.3.3 is on the PTR . There are plenty of changes afoot but I would like to cover some of them in detail here.

Specifically changes to the Dungeon Finder.

1. The Deserter debuff is going to 30minutes up from 15minutes. The DF cooldown is still the same at 15minutes. Perhaps this will stop people from the ZOMGITS(H OCC / H CoS / H whatever instance you hate) and leaving the party. Additionally maybe this will stop the trend as well of tanks getting hot under the collar and leaving a group stranded with no tank mid-instance. (there is another problem related to this I will cover later)

2. Players will have to provide an reason when doing a vote kick a player from the group. This reason will be shown to all group members but the one being kicked.

3. World bosses are available now thru the Dungeon Finder. This could be good or bad as they seem to have removed the ability to 3 man the boss. Hopefully they will make it so you cannot join if you have used your summon for the day as this could cause alot of grief.

And there are lots of class changes for DK's and some other classes. Fun fun fun.

Back to the Dungeon Finder and some thoughts on group etiquette. I have noticed that as I have been tanking groups , more and more I find that DPS and even healers are pushing for AoE clears of dungeons even when your not using AoE tanks. Now granted most people tend to outgear heroics now so yea a healer can heal 3 or 4 people if the tank cant keep up with the DPS. But is that really a good habit to get into?? Are people so rude that if you cant do a zergfeast then you dont want to run it ?? And what if you have a newer tank or someone who is tanking on an alt toon that does not feel comfortable with all the class tank mechanics and is trying to learn them more??

I frequently tell groups when I am on my DK (frost 2H Tank spec cause I just don't like DW tanking still) that I don't tank much on the DK so I am going to go bit slower than my pull 3 mobs at a time cause I can do 3K dps or better as a tank pally. Yet I still have the DPS or healer saying "Go Go Go!!!!" in party chat like that is going to make me pull like a madman.

So generally what happens next is the DPS or sometimes , even the healer starts pulling mobs and that is when it all goes to hell. At that point if I had already asked them not to pull , and they keep doing it , I feel like I have two choices :

1. keep going in the run if we are more than halfway there and especially if it is my 1st one for my frost badges.
2. leave group and go farm while I wait for my debuff to wear off before I queue again.

Yes I know I am abandoning a group and just putting them back in the queue but with the easy of queuing as a tank , it is not worth the hassle of dealing with people playing poorly and showing bad manners in a group.

I hope that Blizzard is going to perhaps look at fixing this trend with the Dungeon Finder down the road. Perhaps a rating system like the Elitist Group addon that lets you rate people so you can see how the people you are queuing with stackup?? Maybe even re-tuning some of the heroic instances so they are harder or have better loot to entice groups to play nice and stay together?? Either way I love the system we have now for finding groups for instances , I just think it is still a work in progress and needs to be polished a bit more.

Generally if I can't get a group within my guild for my 1st random run , I get my 1st random done then only queue on the pally tank so I can do the zergfeast for badges. This however leaves my other toons out in the long cold queue for DPS which can seem like a lifetime and makes me appreciate the tanks I do get and do whatever I can to make the run go smoother for them.

Otherwise , I am looking forward to Patch 3.3.3. Now if we could just shorten the maint cycle!!

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