Monday, February 15, 2010

Looking Back – The Last Raid Week

This last raid week brought the group transitioning into a smooth solid raiding core. It started with Tuesday's raid week- dealing with some unbearable lag, and a server that was beyond slow to come online. Not only did we endure, you know lag is bad when you hear NPCs stopping mid-speech, pausing to remember their own lines. We did manage to get the Entry way cleared, stopping early as lag was horrendous.

Wednesday night found us short on healing- something we rarely are. With less our full healer crew, we opted to stay out of ICC. It's hard to push progression when you know that the fights you are looking at will require six healers, and you risk the raid weekly. We took an easy night. With the raid weekly being Obsidian Sanctum, we decided to start there. We decided to try OS3D. It's been almost a year since we've done this place as a guild on 25 man content. We usually have a 10 man crew farming this boss on an Offnight Fiasco post, just for the drake. Remembering the effort we put forth to clear this content before 3.1 hit, and the challenges of keeping a solid raid roster together while working on this progression. What we actually found was that in roughly 10 minutes, with our current roster and gear levels, it was pretty darn easy to zerg this boss. Running two tanks, five healers, and the rest dps, she was dead in about a minute. Everyone in the raid rolled, and one guild member got their OS3D drake. This opted for policy change- in that once a week we, as a guild, will zerg OS3D, for a drake.

We transitioned to Onyxia for a quick kill. We missing the 5 minute achievement by about 30 seconds – mainly due to someone getting thrown into the whelp caves. There's always next week. From here, we quickly cleared Trial of the Crusade- getting the Salt & Pepper achievements for the folks that didn't have it. We finally saw the trinket drop again. Unfortunately, we still did not have Vault of Archavon- so Toravon was out. We opted to stay and try Trial of the Grand Crusade. We almost had it. 8% wipe on Icehowl, so it's something to keep on the back burner in the event we need a bit of time away from ICC. It was a fast, fun night.

Thursday night we were back in ICC. We did a one shot on Rotface and Festergut, completing our raid weekly. We finished Blood Prince Council in a few attempts and went back to Professor Putricide. We made some excellent progress there.

For our off nights, one ten man group got through to Blood Prince Council before running out of time- with a couple of folks have connection issues. Saturday night actually had us in Sunwell Plateau. We completed the instance (95% guild run, of the 25 folks in the raid) in about an hour. Some folks left, but we went and completed Molten Core as a few folks did not have this achievement. Zul'Gurub followed – furiously fast, allowing some folks to complete the "Classic Raider" achievement. Drops were varied but we did not have the pleasure of seeing any mount drops on the run. This also brought us flying over to Silithius to complete the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. At this point, we called it a night, making plans to set up another Off Night run on content that was once cutting edge.

All in all, it was a solid raid week.

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