Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Changes to Warriors AGAIN!!!

Blizztard is making changes again the warriors after the "buff" to Devastate damage. Now they are looking at buff Revenge as it is now less useful since the Devastate buff. What's next?? Do we make cleave have a 10 yard range on it??

All of these changes are because warriors and druids (and DK's to some degree) are way behind prot pallys in terms of AoE threat. Even Blizzard admits that prot pally AoE threat is a bit over done. (http://www.wow.com/2010/01/25/ghostcrawler-on-aoe-tanking-the-paladin-method-is-probably-t/)

What this has created is a broken LFG system where DPS will get used to not watching threat because the last tank was a pally and it was ZOMGPEWPEWMOBS!!!!! till your blue in the face and you still dont pull. Granted I am one of those people that spoil my DPS on my pally as I can consistantly pull 2.6 - 3.6K depending on the instance as the tank. Sometimes I out DPS my DPS.

Logging onto the warrior and queue up and its a different story. I have to work at it and use all my tools to keep threat for the most part on multi mobs pulls. One thing I don't do on the warrior is lots of chain pulls in fast sequence since I know my AoE threat is not as good. I like to take a few seconds to setup the pull and make sure my high threat tools are not on CD.

On the DK , I still have to work at it but once my dieases are down and I am popping Blood Boils off with Howling Blasts (yes I still 2H Frost tank) I usually don't have any issues.

This however means that I usually leave one character aside , the warrior, for the others when using the LFG unless I run with a guild group. Sad I know as I have tanked successfully , Heroic Halls of Reflection on the warrior twice with PuG groups so I know I can do it. It just takes the other 4 people to work with me and not against me to make it happen.

Ever since BC my pally tank has seen more and more action and the warrior has seen less and less and has evolved into a DPS / trade crafting toon , especially with the DK's coming out in WotLK and how easy-mode DPS they seem to be for the most part. I know that gear levels play apart of how much DPS you can put out as well but the warrior and DK are pretty equally geared and the DK will just flat out pwn the warrior when tanking. (Sad panda face here)

This is sad as my warrior is one of my first toons and typically what you would see as a tank. He has all the tools , Last Stand and Shield Wall glyphed for a 2 minute cooldown , Juggernaunt , Shockwave , and many others. He carries his sword and board looking for that boss to tank and kill. It's just depressing to see my DPS numbers way less than my pally or DK and hope that Blizzard fixes it and restores come balance.

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