Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Doing the Curly Shuffle

Most WoW players have multiple 80's that they actively play. With the advent of the Dungeon Finder and the ability to gain Triumph and Frost badges via the weekly raid quest , gearing these alt characters has become easier than before. This presents a sticky issue , who is your "main"??

Your "main" in WoW speak is the main toon that you do the following on:
  1. Raid progression content on

  2. Has the best gear

  3. typically has the money making professions on maxed out.

  4. Is your fav toon and you would rather walk barefoot over cut glass than delete.

If your like me you have 2 or 3 level 80 alts that you like to play as well but their gear was not on par with your "main" till the latest patch. Now you are running randoms on your alts , getting that 4 piece T9 badge set and even pugging out ICC raids on them to get better gear.

So how do you make time to play all those toons?? Do you end up switching your "main" if you start to gear one more than the other??

In my case all of my 80's perform the same function in a raid , tank / dps. I know that seems boring and I have not explored the other classes / roles but that is what I like to do so I do what I enjoy.

What do you do if your guild has no alt policy ?? If that is the case then you have to find time to raid on both and not compromise one or the other. Sometimes you have to make the hard decision and start playing one more than the other due to your raid /guild comp.

Luckily for me , my guild allows alts and has raid runs that you could bring your alts and let them get gear.

Additionally there are plenty of PuG runs on my server that allow me to gear out as well. Sometimes though the problem is the "LFM ICC 10 link achievement" posts in Trade . This drives me nuts. If I have cleared ICC 10 on my "main" does that mean I am incapable of doing it on my alts as well?? To further compound this you have the "must have 5xxx GS" to go along with that. I mean seriously if guilds have cleared Yogg in blues , don't you think that this whole gearscore thing is a bit overrated??!!!

Matticus has a blog post about an addon that uses your experience instead of gearscore. That would be a better indicator of what you can and can't do in a raid setting. (http://www.worldofmatticus.com/2010/01/22/it-came-from-the-p-u-g-gearscore-edition/)


I enjoy all my alts , I just wish I had more time to play them and gear them. Oh for the 3 day work week and 4 day weekend!!!!

Until that happens , I guess I will continue to do the curly shuffle for all my characters.

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