Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Friends you make in WoW

Yesterday , my wife received a facebook post from a guy who asked if she was Holydiva and played WoW, she replied that yes she was and below is the response she got back from him:

I am trying to find the person who played world of warcraft under the name holydiva. If so you played with my sister Magnolia (step sister). can't believe i found u. I have some sad news Magnolia passed away. She had left me a diary and her last wishes. One of which was to let u and someone named Honors know what you meant to her. From her notes I found out that u had a character named after u and where u had lived in Ohio, so I took a shot in the dark. She had heart trouble and right after all that was behind her, she began to get sick , no balance and thats when they found the brain tumor. We lost her on Dec 15th. I just now got the stuff she had left for me from her husband. She talked very highly of u and Honors and a character named Sideout who from the book I believe to be your husband. The time she spent playing with you all made her very happy and she lead a very up and down home life with her husband. The book says you all made her feel at ease and happy. Like she had known you all in real life forever. Anyway all I wanted was to let you know as she had requested. She said Honors had quit playing the game and she did not even know her first name. If you should see her please tell her Magnolia has passed. Thank you again for your time.

Both my wife and I had to choke back tears reading this post. We were staggered to find out the news of her passing and absolutely floored that someone had taken the time to track down a person who they had only had a relationship with in a game.

Mags, as we called her , was a person we met on our old server Fenris. We had joined a new guild and were leveling toons to start raiding Kara. She had a hunter , warrior , priest , and mage. She was always available to help you level or do instances with on her other toons. She knew alot of people on the server , including Honors , who was in one of the top guilds at the time on the server. We both talked to her alot both in vent and via ingame whispers about many things with both WoW and life in general.

Mags always named her characters for the towns she had lived in and the towns that where around her. She was from Mississippi and lived in a semi rural area if I remember correctly. Mags always had a positive outlook on things no matter what her situation was or how bleak things looked.

We lost touch with her in the game between transition to Wrath of the Lich King. She had stopped playing as much and we had moved to other guilds. We often wondered what had happened to her. Yesterday , we found out.

We mourn the loss of a friend , even though she was virtual one , we feel as if we had been friends in real life , or RL in WoW speak. We pray that her family will be able to keep the good memories of her and we celebrate her passing to a better place.

This event has truly given us pause as you really never know how you touch someones life in all that you do and what effect you have on them.

Fair winds and following seas Magnolia. Holydiva and Sideout mourn your loss and will forever hold our friendship close to our hearts.

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