Monday, February 8, 2010

Unannounced Nerf - The Soup Nazi strikes again!!!

The latest patch had a few surprises in it for prot pally's; namely a 4% stamina nerf!!!! Seriously what is Blizzard doing here??
Yes I know that right now everyone and their brother is bring out the prot pally's to tank cause we are bit OP in terms of our tanking DPS. I guess they missed the other part of the patch notes that said that Devastate is getting a DPS buff but why take away our stamina??

Across the board , pallys have the lower HP when compared to warriors / druids of equal gearing. Yes I know we have that awesome AoE and Holy Shield uptime.

It just reaks that Blizz did this and then posted afterwards, "oops , we are sorry". I thought I had left some gear off or missed an enchant or something.

Granted it is Bilzz's game and they make the rules but it seems that lately Blizz is playing a vengeful God more and more. First this unannounced nerf , then Ensidia is banned for using something that may or may not have been a true exploit. What next Blizz - " ZOMG you mounted in H UK and used your mount to run to the last boss!!!! " "NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!"

How many other times in the past has Blizz done under the table things like this and then feels like it did nothing wrong??

I know this is just a game but in my view , if you say the rules are x , y , and z and I play by those rules and then you suddenly change them because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed , I should not be penalized for that.

I hope Blizzard rethinks it's ban on Ensidia and restores their titles and loot. If anyone got a suspension , it should be the dev's for not testing the encounter or admitting this fault and hotfixing it to prevent so no one else could use it.
Who would have thought that using a trade skill item to beat an encounter was an exploit??
I know the community is mixed in their view on this as some are Ensidia haters and some are fanboys but still the fact remains they did it first and used all the tools they had to do it. Kinda hard to fight when you tie one arm behind your back isn't it??

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