Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Holiday Raiding and Rebuilding!

Well, it's been a couple weeks since our small fracture, and despite the holidays and shortage of healers, we've managed to keep things going at a great pace. This atmosphere has made a dramatic change, and everyone is actually very happy that the separation occured. It is really for the best. We've been raiding successfully on our own, and recruiting quality people to complete the guild's roster for 25 man content.

Everyone's in a festive mood, as you can see from our last bosskill pictures on the main page, we are decked out in our Winter Veil Clothes, complete with hats that we got from farming Nexus.

We've been clearing Nax with our guild, and we wiped all progression and we've been readding it as we re-clear. Sartharion is of course easy and an encounter will begin attempting to leave a drake up and build from there. We've picked up quite a few new people, and they are some awesome additions. We should be re-starting heroic content immediately after the holidays. Even with yesterday being Dec 23, we had so many wonderful people signing up that we actually had to bench a few. Kallon and I took the night off to finish our Christmas shopping, and the raid cleared two wings. Not too shabby for our normal 3 hour raid, and a fair amount of new people in the raid.

We've taken a few nights off for the holidays. Our next scheduled raid is for Dec 28. We will also raid on December 30 but we have taken the 31st off. The new year will rock guys!

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