Friday, December 26, 2008

Grouping - What you need know

In guild, or out, grouping is a must for completing heroics, instances, and some quests. There are a few things that I would not normally think would need to be discussed, but I believe at this point, they should be covered.

Let's start with Pick Up Groups- or PUGS. When you pug a group, you rarely know what you are getting into. The most important thing here is that if you find a person you like to group with- add them to your friends list, with a note- such as, awesome tank. Likewise, if you find someone who just plain is really bad at their class, or a habitual whiner, etc- you can also add them to your friends list with the same type of note- terribad player, etc.

With any PUG, the first thing is to decide how loot is going to be determined. If you pug alot, macro it. I used to have a macro of standard loot rules- such as greed all blues unless an immediate upgrade for your current character, greed all greens, pass on all epics, etc. This leaves NO ONE guessing and no hard feelings.

If the pug falls apart, or you are having a bad time, or if for any reason you get removed from a group, then just leave quietly. Don't put up a fight, or make things hard by not leaving the instance, just quietly leave. The old motto you can't make everyone happy all the time comes to mind. If you have had a bad grouping with a pug member, make a post. I will start a thread for this so that you save the repair bills or attitude chafing from your fellow guild members.

Guild runs are great because we usually know exactly what to expect. There are some things that should be covered though. It is NO ONE's personal responsibility to run you through a specific heroic to have a chance for your drop. What you determine as this person is "doing nothing" but won't run with me is in fact your opinion. Maybe that person is farming mats, working on rep, but regardless that person may feel it is worthwhile and important- which could be a difference of opinion.

We have a few husband/wife guild members so it stands to reason these guys like to group together. Kallon and I usually don't because neither of us want to gimp our groups but the other husband/wife groups contain tank/dps sets- so expect to see those people grouping frequently.

Run heroics for other people as well, not just yourself. Sure, the loot you want doesn't fall out of Heroic UK, but a nice caster ring does and so so needs it. Regardless of where you are going, even if a specific piece of loot does not fall for you, badges do, and you can always get reputation gains by doing the clear. The main thing I am trying to point out here, is that a guild is a relationship: it is give and take, and you can't be one sided no matter which side of you stand on. If all you do is run heroics for where you need loot, people will be less apt to want to group with you. If all you do is run stuff for other people, you will likely get resentful. The key here is to compromise and run a few heroics for what you need and what other people need.

Don't be afraid to pug. It's how you meet people in this game and it can expand your horizons. Whining does not become any one. If you are whiner, then we missed something in the screening process, and you will probably find yourself looking for a new guild. It's something this guild has low tolerance for. If you have something specifically you need help with, post! That's why we have the website, and you can always say "I have had no luck getting through Heroic Gundrak and I'd like to put together a group for it on Dec x, at 5 CST PM." I'm sure people will help you!

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