Monday, December 1, 2008

Group Calendar - Do you want to raid?

Group Calendar- It's one add on you are going to need to have if you ever want to hope to raid. First, some important things to note: there are many versions of Group Calendar floating around out there. We are going to try to keep up with the latest version, which means you need to as well. To see what version we are running, just check the guild information tab. The reason we all need to stay on the same version is that there can be discrepancies between the versions and what's viewable. Also, when you first log in, give it a couple of minutes to sync.

You might be asking what does Group Calendar have that the in game calendar doesn't? It allows the ability to add notes to a specific event. Notes such as, I'll be available for standby but I am going to be late to the raid. Configuration is fairly straight forward. There's automatic configuration available, and yes we use the guild channel.

You can find this mod using wowmatrix or on or I do know that the curse client does not find the latest version. Below is a screenshot of what group calendar looks like.

/cal commands
/cal help Displays a list of available commands
/cal 12h Show times using the AM/PM format
/cal 24h Show times using 24-hour format
/cal sun Start the week on a Sunday
/cal mon Start the week on a Monday
/cal versions Displays the last known GroupCalendar
version each known player is running
/cal reset Deletes all of the event data for all
of your characters on your current realm
/cal reset all Deletes all of the event data for all of
your characters on all realms
/cal kill name Sends out a command to the guild to delete
all events created by the specified player.
This command may only be issued by a guild
/cal clock off Turns off the minimap clock display
/cal clock auto Turns on the minimap clock display and uses
the same time zone setting as the calendar
/cal clock local Turns on the minimap clock display to show local time
/cal clock server Turns on the minimap clock display to show server time
/cal reminder off Turns off tradeskill reminders
/cal reminder on Turns on tradeskill reminders

/cal maxage days Sets the maximum number of days to keep old events
You can find setup instructions here:

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