So the latest raid nerf has been put into effect , Strength of the Wrynn for the Alliance folks , in ICC that is a raid-wide 5% buff. Appereantly this buff will stack up to 30%. Blizzard has implemented this so more guilds will have access to kill the Lich King or at least see that content.
The forum and community QQ about this is harsh but I think you need to look at Marketing 101 to see why Blizzard is doing it. Lets look at some numbers:
1. About 11 million people pay to play WoW. At $15 a head you are looking at a monthly revenue stream of approx $165 million dollars a month, again this is A MONTH.
2. Out of those 11 million people it is estimated that less than 1% are the hardcore , elitest raiders that get realm /world firsts and do the hard modes. Again less then 1% so lets just say for clarity , 1 million people or a monthly revenue stream of $15 million dollars a month from those people.
So given these two principles above , you dont have to be a marketing wizard to see that the majority of your monthly revenue comes from the average to above average players. These are the people that can clear the 1st wing of ICC but can't get the 2nd one down , or maybe they cant get the last boss in the first wing down either. These are the people who skipped Yogg and Alagron in Ulduar because ToC came out and it was way easier to do. Did they do hard mode ToC (ToGC) ?? No they probably did not attempt it.
With the ICC raid wide buff you have the ability to take it off and continue on like the good old days when you raiding MC was srs buizness. Somehow this is not good enough for that 1% as they feel slighted by Blizzard because now people can down the LK and get those shiny purple pixels they worked so hard to get before the ICC raid buff. Does that make their kill less special?? No I don't think that is does in the least.
This raid buff is made to make a GAME more enjoyable to the people that make the largest customer base , and the #1 rule in business is the customer is ALWAYS right. I am sure that a $150 million worth of right is going to have more sway than $15 million.
There has always been the dis-equality in the game of those that are "elitest" and those that are not , along with the middle grounders who fail in between. That is just the way life is as well and unlike our school systems that give every kid a trophy for participating no matter how bad they suck at it , Blizzard is saying here is way to show the difference where the metal meets the meat.
I think this is a good change and the only thing I would recommend is a way to track achievements with the buff turned on or off so you know how someone cleared ICC and that is where you can get your sense of satisfaction .
How is your guild going to handle the buff??
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