Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gearing your offspec - just for fun or priority

As we see the en-masse running of heroics for Embalms and as more and more guild push further into ICC you start seeing people who's offspec is gathering a nice set of gear. This happens for many reasons especially after your guild can clear the front of ICC in one raid nite.

How do you handle the distribution of the offspec gear and what happens when your offspec starts to be as good geared as your main spec?? Does this mean your raid role should switch to let the best geared / best played toons have the raid spot??

It's a tough question to answer especially when you factor in VoA now with its T10 gear dropping from 10/25 man instances now. You might be a tank in VoA 10 in your class and the tier drops and no one else can use it so - BAM!!!! you get phat lootz for your offspec. Now you start looking at the T10 badge pieces a little more closely now. If you get the legs , that saves you 90 frost badges so it makes getting that 2 piece T10 all the easier.

Sometimes you gear the offspec to run the heroics and you start to find out that wow , it is easier to dps cause all I have to do is pew pew the mobs!!!! So you gear up and now you want to start to raid as your offspec , does your guild give you slot as DPS just because you slogged thru the BC muck with them as a tank?? Interesting question.

However you handle the gearing of offspec toons , you have to remember that people like to play classes that are fun for them and when that fun and magic wears off , it gets to be a drag. Healers and tanks can attest to this as they usually suffer the fastest and greatest burnout of any of the classes.

Hopefully as Mastery comes into play with Cataclysm things will be defined a bit better and some of the so called " hybrid" classes will have to choose a pigeonhole to go into or risk gimping their dps / play style.

Here is looking forward to those changes.

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