I've been really busy with a new job so I haven't had allot of time to keep up on the blog. I'm also in the middle of packing to move. In the process of keeping our website up to date, forums with accurate information and what not, I've really not given this poor blog the attention I planned on. During a bit of website maintenance, I was in the admin section of our site. I know all the great features that that Guild Launch site provide makes the job allot easier. As a guild that relies on our website, Guild Launch's support, prompt answers and immediate updates to problems always keeps us informed. We have a private domain that is re-directed to the Guild Launch hosting service.
Many guilds rarely use their website. For us, it's a way of life. We keep an updated "Raid Week of" post. We require signups via the Rapid Raid addition that Guild Launch uses. We track our loot via the website. Our strategies are also discussed in great detail there. What is probably outstanding is not only the ease of use, but I can, at a glance, get a solid idea of how many people have been to the site within the last week or few days. Over 80% of our members have been on the site within the last days, a remaining 10% within the last week (but some of these folks have spouses that peruse the site as well.) The last 10% are casual members that rarely use our website.
We have a recipe section, in additions to Men's Forums and Women's Forums. It is very guild oriented. There's even a "Music of the Day" thread. On the average, I would say our guild site is very active compared to most. How's it rate compared to your website?
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