The latest PTR build notes have illuminated me with some insights that I just find interesting. The first change (thankfully) is that any one can use meeting stones – there are no maximum level caps. This is awesome – just think of doing the Headless Horseman in Scarlet Monestary! The only catch is that there is a minimum level of 15. No biggie there!
The next change that caught my eye was the AoE damage cap change. It has been redesigned (we'll see if it makes it to the live realms this way) to have a cap of on the total damage done. The cap is designed to hit 10 targets- so for example if you have an AoE spell that does 1000 damage to each mob – the damage cap would be (10 * 1000)= 10000. If you hit 20 mobs instead of 10, basically what happens is you would take the maximum damage done on 10 mobs and divide it by 20 – so 10000/20 = 500. This means each mob would take 500 damage instead of 1000.
The latest PTR build also has health and mana regeneration buffed by 200% for low level characters. It decreases as the character levels but by the time the character hits 15, it is reduced to normal regeneration gains.
Taunt Diminishing Returns has been changed on the PTR build. The system for diminishing returns on taunt was modified so that creatures do not become immune to Taunt until after 5 taunts have landed. The duration of the taunt effect has been reduced by 35% instead of 50% for each landed taught. To add to this, most creatures in Azeroth will not be affected by taunt diminishing returns- instead, just if the mobs have been specifically flagged for that behavior. This leaves me guessing that the adds on Yogg will still have it but overall, I'm think our tanks will like the change.
Naxxramas has been changed as well. Most people will only be running this place for new 80s or badges. (Likely the latter) Once 3.3 hits, you no longer have to clear all wings. Instead you can tackled whichever part of the instance in whatever order you like. Teleportation orbs are being added in Sapphiron's lair to allow players access to and from it.
Occulus also got a face lift. This place is generally dreaded by most folks. Blizz definitely implemented a lot of changes here. The Azure Ring Guardians agro distances have changed from 50 yards to 40 yards. Many bosses and creatures in Occulus have had their total health reduced as well a nerf on their specific abilities, effect durations, damage, and health. Mob groups have been dropped from 5 packs to 4 packs. Vehicle scaling has been changed to increase the vehicle more powerful for the player's item level.
That's a quick rundown on a few things that stood out. I'll be posting more about the PTR a bit later this week.
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