Well, it's been a bit since I've posted here and I'm working on cleaning out old topics on our forums. I'm going to archive some of those topics on our guild blog. Here's a good one, amended to reflect current changes. Original Post Posted: 23 Feb 2009 09:48 am
Being prepared is not just about flasks.. or food, it is also a certain level that you must commit to, in a much similar fashion that one does when he/she has a job. You have a certain time that you have to be to work. You better show up properly attired, and you better keep gas in your vehicle, or money to buy gas to get to work or your job may be at risk.
The same is true in correlation for raiding. Of course, if you read through our policies, you find that we EXPECT to make the first pull at 6:30. The expectation is that you are online and ready to raid 15 minutes prior.
The policy also states that we expect you to be at the instance- admittedly this one has been hard as of late, due to the fact our schedule has been bouncing around on what we are raiding. That schedule is something else I'm updating. Composition and attendance provided, we will focusing on Ulduar
Bonus EP and Penalties are about to be changed. The full impacts of those changes have not been fully decided upon. Attendance has become flighty. We always seem to end or be close to a full raid by the end of the night. What we have to allocate is simple- a full group. The On Time Bonus is going to be re-defined.
In our current policy, we state to be prepared and ready. Let me clarify exactly what is meant by this. This guild raids 4 nights a week, for a total of 13 hours. This is less than a part time job, if you want to look at raiding in that perspective. You're in this guild because you want to be, because you want to raid, and to do so competently. That means you have agreed to our raiding terms:
• Be online 15 minutes prior to the raid start time
• Be available – this means don't say, hey, hold up- I'm doing OS 10 really quick or Vault, or finish up a BG. This is rude behavior to the other 24 people waiting on you. It isn't just your time if you have committed to be in the raid and available for it.
• Be fully repaired-
This one is common sense. If you go to a raid, you show up fully repaired- that's 100% durability. No one is here to babysit. This will be checked at the beginning of every raid- and if you aren't repaired, it will be noted.
• Bring your food buff/flask/elixirs/bandages/potions.
Do I expect you to pop it on a Nax run? Flasks- no, but this goes with raiding. You should have these items ready for any raid. Several guild members assist me with helping to supply the raid with fish feasts, but you should still keep a stack of food for buff in the event you die and the raid doesn't. Our raid nights are pretty much set- so you should always have flasks/food available at that time.
• You should - at a minimum - be in Dalaran, if you are unsure of where we are going, if not outside the raid instance. Do not expect a summons. If you are going to be late or close on time, get prepared, and log out by the instance.
• The Cost of Epix/Purplez – The cost of getting gear and raiding is time and gold. Why did I say time? Because it takes time to farm mats, ply your trade to make money, or doing dailies so that you have gold. Why did I say gold? Gold is needed to be able to enchant items (the guild bank offers some high prices items at ½ going AH rate), get the consumables you need if you aren't farming them, and have money to repair. This is a guild that consists of mature members, 99% adults, and with jobs/real lives/ significant others. We all have other obligations/duties. This aspect of the game also goes along as the cost of raiding. There is NO valid excuse not to have these items covered. Gold is easier to come by now than it has ever been. The AH is another avenue to make money. If you need pointers, please make a post.
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