Monday, April 27, 2009

The Winds of Change

What a week in review… from a stellar start to a vast amount of changes have blown a lot of debris from the guild. Unfortunately it's also put us back into recruitment but even more focused on keeping the founding principles of this guild at its core. The dust has settled and a lot of loyal people are remaining. If there is one thing about adversity, it's that it can pull people together.

Some major changes have been in process, with just 3 officers- and yes, we are still looking for a solid raid leader, it would be impossible to ensure we have someone available for invites online most 90-% of the time. We've since opened up our applications to be viewable by all guild members, and we've allowed swashbucklers the ability to invite. A solid guideline has been presented. Allowing members to read the applications gives everyone a feel for the people we are recruiting and what we are looking at. It's also allowing specific input on those classes.

Everyone has pulled together, and Thursday saw us running Ulduar 10 Man with alts tanking. Granted, their gear wasn't the best, but they damn sure played their classes as though it were their mains. We spent 3 hours in Ulduar that night- and we killed 3 bosses. Not too shabby =) Sunday we worked on Iron Council, still working with one alt tank and a new DK tank that we've added to the roster. After some very close attempts, we decided to give Kologarn a try- and he was a one-shot. Back to Iron Council went our little 10 man, and they came damn close to bringing him down. We should see that boss kill on the front page soon.

Our roster is filling back out rather rapidly. We've got a couple transferring in, and a rogue. We've already picked up a priest and DK tank. We're currently still on the hunt for a MT. We've also got a several interviews lined up for tonight. I think by the end of the week we will be back in 25 man content.

Due to recent departure, and the nasty little flames, it brings some discouragement, but out of the ashes rises a phoenix- brighter and more full of fire than ever. As a guildie related, a forest fire started naturally is part of the process, the brush and deadwood needs to be burnt out to let the forest grow rich and thrive. It was a very astute observation, and one who's sentiments I share whole heartedly. We're here, and we're going to be better than ever!

something old, Something new, somthing blue(ish)

So after a lil schism in the ranks we lost some members...oh well. But hey if this week proved anything its that we don't die...we just get better! 4(almost 5)bosses in 2 days? Not bad for guild thats currently using ALTs as tanks! I say good job to everyone! lets keep gettin them purples!

We are also recruiting for our 25mans now. So welcome everyone who's joined and to those who will be joining us!

Words of Wisdom:
"He who makes a beast out of himself Gets rid of the pain of being a man"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Welcome To the World(of warcraft)

So...where to begin. I guess i should start by saying now not only will Onyx be doing the blog but she hired Oryxlea and I to help out. So here I go with my first postNow onto the stuff ya’ll want to hear about! As many of you are aware, we have taken our first steps into Ulduar but we have gotten the server first achievement for Flame Leviathan! That’s right ladies and gents. No Quarter Given is server first for Heroic: Orbital Bombardment. Congratz to all who were there and all who were sitting on the sidelines cheering us on. Also in news, the Argent Tournament is in game. If you haven’t checked it out yet I strongly recommend it. It is located in the northeast corner of Icecrown (just look for the part of your map that isn't filled in). Many daily quests that are new, exciting and best of all...actually make you earn your way! So I urge you, young knights, to grab your lance tight in your hand and thrust forward into the dark depths of the unknown! Yeah it gives Silver Covenant faction/reputation gains.

In other more speculative news...the next Xpac. What will it be? When will it come? How will it change the game? Who will be the big bosses? Why the hell am I writing like this? Check the public forum and add your thoughts.

I leave you with my words of wisdom "Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when you're kneecapped by a lone shark."

Patch 3.1 Live!

So, it's here- finally. We basically had to scrap raiding on Tuesday since the realm was down until after 8PM server time. Lots of mods were/are broke and some of us are still trying to get our UIs back to normal. A few of us poked our nose into Ulduar 10 man and took out the first boss on Tuesday night. He seemed a pushover! Wish the same could be said on 25 with hard mode enabled =) ! Achievements for dual spec were flooding guild chat as many people got their dual specs on, and demands for glyphs were on the rise- except that most folks don't have some of the new glyphs yet. Where, oh, where are those books of glyph mastery? A lot of new patterns are available now- and the new Emerald bag is out there for herbalists- with a hefty cost of 4 moonshroud and 6 frost lotus (that's 12 flasks without a proc with the changes). On the whole, herb prices have increased. Another change noted is that our fish feasts are no longer soul bound- so I've been making them up as mats become available in the gbank- and depositing them back there. These are located on the 3rd tab- which is viewable by all but accessible by an officer. I suspect we will have some off night runs/nax clears/os3 clears. We are currently banking cloth CDs and titansteel CDs (if the mats are in the bank and you have a CD, ask an officer). These items are for the BoE epics that can be crafted.

With raiding back into swing, it became pretty obvious last night that most of us will be farming again for gold/mats etc. With my armor, I believe I spent around 125g, and I'm not a tank or wearing plate. Our brief experience in VoA with Emalon was definitely something to write home about. Everyone is still talking about all the colored dots on the map – not to mention I noticed that both find fish and ore were active at the same time?? Anyone else? I'm sure we will still be discovering little changes as more people have more time to play; In the meantime, don't forget the dailies for the Argent Tournament in Icecrown and be sure to read the posted strats and videos!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

OS 3D Kill - A little late

Ok so here it is. A little late but none the less- here's the video that Owlkin frapp'd for us. It was a helluva fight. It took alot of preparation and work to get a full raid, and once we did, with a little work, we finally did it. Gratz to all! Twilight Vanquisher titles to all, and gratz to Devi for the awesome mount!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

X Perls - Raid Frame Choices

This is the unit frame I use for raid frames. We've got a video of grid posted. This is my first Fraps- so bear with it. I'm still trying to figure out and tweak the settings. The point of this video is to give you a brief overview of how functional X Perls can be. I put this together on my priest to quickly show you all the basic functionality.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Clique - How to setup this mod

basically non verbal tutorial on Clique mod. This mod can be used by DPS and Healers alike.